Symposium "Market versus State Urbanism: Urban design as instrument on new urban questions" dont intervention de Béatrice Mariolle : "Negociative Urbanism" Organisation: Paul Stouten, Leo van den Burg, Danielle Karakuza Lieu :Technische Universiteit, Delft Date : 08 mars 2018 Accédez au programme : symposium-delft Abstract: Learning dynamics of cities has become urgent again. As regular as a clockwork on the financial market, new and old brandings of cities are launched. They reveal uncertain..
Consultable sur Internet :
"1st Annual UKNA Roundtable: Urban Heritage Policies" Lieu : Delft University of Technology, Faculty...
Colloque international « European cities and the post-crisis context : social and policy innovations...
Abstract: To create architecture today is a gnomic game. The rules of the game are paradoxical, play...
OPUS 2008 will bring leading designers and researchers together to explore the value and design of o...
During the 1990s, urban design in Flanders was premised upon a fundamental rethinking of the discipl...
In parallel with ICCPP annual Conference, the Program of Urban Design of the Department of Architect...
Quarters considered for large-scaled re-arrangement demand reflection on the discipline of town-plan...
The Politics of Design: Act 1 is about participation and political engagement in current design prac...
Symposium "2014-2041. Quelles stratégies pour l'architecture, les villes et les territoires ?" Date ...
Organized by: Diffuse cities and Urbanization Network (DCUN) & Research group « Vocabularies of arch...
In parallel with ICCPP annual Conference, the Program of Urban Design of the Department of Architect...
Cette septième édition des U&U International PhD séminaires aura lieu à l'ENSA Paris-Malaquais, sous...
Launching of TU DELFT Urban Thinkers Report Education for the City We Need: Integrating the New Urba...
Les conférences City Debates de l'AUB (Université américaine de Beyrouth) sont devenues des rendez v...
Consultable sur Internet :
"1st Annual UKNA Roundtable: Urban Heritage Policies" Lieu : Delft University of Technology, Faculty...
Colloque international « European cities and the post-crisis context : social and policy innovations...
Abstract: To create architecture today is a gnomic game. The rules of the game are paradoxical, play...
OPUS 2008 will bring leading designers and researchers together to explore the value and design of o...
During the 1990s, urban design in Flanders was premised upon a fundamental rethinking of the discipl...
In parallel with ICCPP annual Conference, the Program of Urban Design of the Department of Architect...
Quarters considered for large-scaled re-arrangement demand reflection on the discipline of town-plan...
The Politics of Design: Act 1 is about participation and political engagement in current design prac...
Symposium "2014-2041. Quelles stratégies pour l'architecture, les villes et les territoires ?" Date ...
Organized by: Diffuse cities and Urbanization Network (DCUN) & Research group « Vocabularies of arch...
In parallel with ICCPP annual Conference, the Program of Urban Design of the Department of Architect...
Cette septième édition des U&U International PhD séminaires aura lieu à l'ENSA Paris-Malaquais, sous...
Launching of TU DELFT Urban Thinkers Report Education for the City We Need: Integrating the New Urba...
Les conférences City Debates de l'AUB (Université américaine de Beyrouth) sont devenues des rendez v...
Consultable sur Internet :
"1st Annual UKNA Roundtable: Urban Heritage Policies" Lieu : Delft University of Technology, Faculty...
Colloque international « European cities and the post-crisis context : social and policy innovations...